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Location: New Mexico

Publications: Japji Sahib: The Song of the Soul by Guru Nanak translated by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa. Anand Sahib: The Song of Bliss by Guru Amar Das translated by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa. Available through www.sikhdharma.org.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Japji Sahib Courses: July

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

It will be my blessings in July to lead a team of teachers for an intensive Japji Sahib course July 5-7 at the Hacienda de Guru Ram Das ashram in Espanola, New Mexico.

Other teachers who will be sharing their knowledge and experience of Japji Sahib during this course include Dr. Inderjit Kaur, the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma International and the wife of the late Yogi Bhajan; world-renowned teachers and musicians including Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa, Shanti Kaur Khalsa and Guruka Singh Khalsa.

For details about the course, please visit: www.sikhdharma.org/events/event-257.

Then, from July 17-19th, it will also be my blessing to lead a Japji Sahib intensive at the Lotus Yoga Center in Toronto, Canada.

The Lotus Yoga Center is located at 100 Harbord Street in Toronto. The course will take place on Friday night from 6-9 pm; and Saturday and Sundry from 11 am - 6 pm. The cost is $225 plus gst if you register before July 3rd.

For more details about the course in Toronto, Canada, contact nirmal@thewellnesspath.ca.

In the past, some of you have written and asked: "What is a Japji Sahib intensive?" It is a two or two and half day event where we immerse ourselves in chanting, meditation and discussion in order to experience some of the key themes in Japji Sahib. Today, I'm grateful to share a few of those themes with you. These themes will be highlighted and discussed during the course.

The Divine Will – Everything in the Universe is flowing according to the conscious will of the Creator. Our job as humans is to simply flow with it.

Listening – Developing our own ability to deeply listen to ourselves and everything around us is the foundation for waking up.

Embracing the Shadow – The one Creator is the source of all things, including the shadow-side and the darkness in life. As humans, we need to make peace through the Shabad with the shadow, and understand that it has a Divine purpose.

Sound and Vibration – in the cosmology of Guru Nanak, all events, experiences and forms begin in the subtle realms as frequency and vibration. You will learn to touch that reality inside of yourself so you can heal and elevate your own life.

If it the will of God and if the hand of Guru guides you there, it is my prayer and that we may meet at one of these courses this summer.

May the Guru bless you you to continue your own search so that you find your own Deathless Spirit. And through your own Spirit, may you prevail against the challenges of the time with the grace of your own meditative strength.

All Love in the Divine.

Yours humbly,

Ek Ong Kaar Kaur